The DXCluster of VHFDX.EU is running on DXSpider by Dirk Koopman, G1TLH. The access to the webcluster data is done in a simple and easy way in order to get a quick overview of the activity on the bands. If you require a more "featured based" webcluster, you will find some around in the net. Due to piracy, the possibilty to send formatted DXCluster spots via VHFDX.EU is only available after registration. Please see below for details how to register at VHFDX.EU.
VHFDX.EU supports and recommends the use of so called formatted DXCluster spots. Spots which are not properly formatted can't be shown in the map. To keep this kind of service running, I kindly ask you to send only spots in a standard format like JN58MI<ES>KO89HK to the DXCluster. Thank you!
DXCluster Map
VHFDX.EU provides a quick overview map of the latest "Formatted" DXcluster spots for each 2m, 6m, 4m, 70cm and 23cm band. The data is reloaded every 120s. If you want to send formatted spots to the DXCluster from VHFDX.EU, feel free to register at VHFDX.EU.
Simplified DXCluster Mobile

Fore more featured mobile access to VHFDX.EU see below.
DXCluster Spot

Important: You will only be able to send formatted DXCluster spots from VHFDX.EU after successful registration at VHFDX.EU. Please see below for details how to register at VHFDX.EU.

Important: You will only be able to review the 144/432 MHz chat of ON4KST after successful registration at VHFDX.EU. Please see below for details how to register at VHFDX.EU.
N0UK Log
VHFDX.EU lets you easily follow the activity of the JT65 EME-1 chat of N0UK. Be aware that this is only a review page of the chat and that the original chat by Chris, N0UK is here available.
Important: You will only be able to review the JT65 EME-1 chat of N0UK after successful registration at VHFDX.EU. Please see below for details how to register at VHFDX.EU.
Telegram VHFDX_bot
Check out the services of VHFDX.EU available via the Telegram VHFDX_bot.
If you are already at Telegram, you may join the bot by following this link or by searching for "vhfdx_bot" within the Telegram platform.
VHFDX.EU | Mobile
In addition to the traffic optimized DXCluster access, VHFDX.EU brings you a simple layout for your smartphone by using this link. If logged in, you will have access to the DXCluster, the ON4KST / N0UK review chats and to the current moon data. If not logged in, you will only have access to the DXCluster and the current moon data. Should work on any smartphone.
Using VHFDX.EU DXCluster content on your own website

The html code could look like this:
<iframe src="https://vhfdx.eu/dxc10.php?b=2m" width="562px" height="223px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
And would show on your page like this:
If your space width is limited, you could use another example which is only half of width, by skipping the remarks column. The direct link is https://vhfdx.eu/dxc10s.php. All other options are the same as explained above. The html code could look like this:
<iframe src="https://vhfdx.eu/dxc10s.php?b=2m" width="282px" height="223px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
And would show on your page like this:
Or you may even use a more smaller version by removing the spotter info by this direct link https://vhfdx.eu/dxc10s200.php. All other options are the same as explained above. The html code could look like this:
<iframe src="https://vhfdx.eu/dxc10s200.php?b=2m" width="200px" height="223px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
And would show on your page like this:
If you need any other customization - just drop me note and I'll see what I can do for you :)
Daily ES spots

By using https://vhfdx.eu/estoday.php you get a summary of the daily ES spots above 70MHz. You may limit the data by choosing directly your band of interest by adding a "?b=2m" at the end. The full link for todays ES spots on the 2m band would then look like this https://vhfdx.eu/estoday.php?b=2m
The data is automatically refreshed every 10min.
Daily moon propagation

Registration at VHFDX.EU

Registration is nowadays an automatic process. A valid email address, your amateur radio callsign, your name and your locator are deemed necessary for successful registration! After submitting of your data via this form, you'll receive an email with a confirmation link. By clicking the confirmation link in your received email, the registration is completed. If you don't receive this email within one hour after registration, I strongly recommend to check your spam filter!
Please remember your email address with which you register at VHFDX.EU. In case that you forget your password of VHFDX.EU some day, you will only be able to automatically request a new password to your registered email address.