Telegram BOT
Feel free to check out the services available on Telegram VHFDX_bot. The Bot has mainly been set-up due to personal reasons for easing the way to follow-up the chats and cluster. The VHFDX_bot is able to deliver data from VHFDX.EU with regard to ON4KST Log, N0UK Log and DXCluster spot data.
Currently following commands are available:
/start_kst - Start ON4KST chat info subscription
/stop_kst - Stop ON4KST chat info subscription
/start_uk - Start N0UK chat info subscription
/stop_uk - Stop N0UK chat info subscription
/start_dxc - Start VHF+ DXCluster spots subscription
/stop_dxc - Stop VHF+ DXCluster spots subscription
/start_es - Start ES spots > 70MHZ subscription
/stop_es - Stop ES spots > 70MHZ subscription
/start_botinfo - Start BOT Admin info subscription
/stop_botinfo - Stop BOT Admin info subscription
/status - Show subscription status info
/dx_2m - Show latest 2m spots
/dx_4m - Show latest 4m spots
/dx_6m - Show latest 6m spots
/dx_vhf - Show latest VHF spots
/key - Some shortcuts
/help - Help
Known bugs:
- Special characters may result in missing data